If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON’T. You are the only one who will make the decision when your child returns to play.
Ensure your child is healthy and check your child’s temperature before activities with others.
Consider not carpooling or very limited carpooling.
Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements
When at training, wear a mask if outside your car.
Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training.
Ensure all equipment (cleats, ball, shin guards etc.) are sanitized before and after every training.
Do not assist your coach with equipment before or after training.
Be sure your child has necessary sanitizing products with them at every training.
If your child becomes ill for any reason please do not send them to training.
If anyone in your household has tested positive to COVID-19, please notify Covid19@brycsoccer.com immediately.
Consistent with CDC guidance, Virginia does NOT currently have any quarantine requirements for people arriving in the Commonwealth from other US locations. IF you are returning from a state that requires self-quarantine (upon return) then that guidance MUST be followed. IF you are returning from international travel, then VDH guidance is you MUST stay home for 10 days OR 7 days if you test negative (e.g., PCR or antigen test 5 days after returning from travel).
Note: The most current Virginia Department of Health (DOH) Guidelines can be found HERE.
If you are not comfortable with returning to play, DON’T
Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others.
Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.
Bring, and use, hand sanitizer with you at every training.
Wear a mask before and immediately after all training.
Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, food or bags.
Practice social or physical distancing, place bags and equipment at least 10 feet apart.
Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.
No group celebrations, high-5s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
Follow all CDC guidelines as well those of your local health authorities.